Kendra Gorton

Subjects Taught/Position
Grade 1
I graduated from Trinity College of Vermont in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Math and Science in Elementary Education. In 1998, I received my Masters of Education in Curriculum Development from Johnson State College. In 2004, I completed my Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies through the Vermont Mathematics Initiative.
See Below
A little about me.
I completed my student teaching at Milton Elementary and was hired as a kindergarten teacher in 1994. My first 10 years at Milton Elementary were spent teaching first grade. My second 10 years at Milton Elementary were spent being a math interventionist and math leader. Currently I am a first grade teacher teaching math, science and social studies. I love teaching on Team Goranjo with Heidi Aranjo, who teaches reading, writing and spelling.
Teaching and living in Milton with my husband and children gives me such joy. My family enjoys being part of our community. When I am not in school I enjoy cheering on my children in their many sporting events, scrapbooking, walking and kayaking with friends and traveling with my family.