MES Relocation Plan

Messages from Superintendent Rex

Learning Relocation Plan

  • The MES nurses office will be relocated to room 322 (Mr. Chan’s office) until September 6, 2024
  • PreK and Kindergarten will occupy their regular classrooms beginning on Tuesday, September 3
  • 1st grade will be in the MES gymnasium until September 6. Separate classrooms will be set up for each teacher and their students in this space.
  • 2nd grade will be in the MMS gymnasium until September 6 or 17 (depending on which MES hallway their classroom is in). Separate classrooms will be set up for each teacher and their students in this space.
  • 3rd grade will be spread out until September 17 or 21
    • Strousse will be in room 410 in Kindergarten hallway 
    • Lefebvre will be in room 407 in Kindergarten hallway
    • Flagg will be in room 302 - the current MES music classroom
    • Hurley, Osman and Shumway will be in the library. Separate classrooms will be set up for each teacher in this space.
  • 4th grade will have 2 transitions
    • First location (September 3 - 6) is MHS on the first floor in the Driver’s Ed room and the three classrooms across the hall.
      • Cummings & Goodrick will be in MHS Room 136
      • Robertson will be in MHS Room 135
      • Carlson  will be in MHS Room 141
      • Howe will be in MHS Room 137
    • Second location (September 9 - 21) will be the MES gymnasium. Mobile classrooms will be set up for each teacher and their students in this space.
Details about each classroom will be shared by grade level teachers. This will include teaching and learning schedules and access to schoolwide programming - meals, recess, special services, and unified arts. Information regarding Pick Up Patrol and Bus Routes will also be included. 

Upcoming Events


Prek EventPreschool Meet and Greet

Preschool Classrooms

Thursday, August 29th from 5-6 pm.

Please join us at Milton Elementary School in the Preschool Classrooms


Prek EventKindergarten Breakfast

Kindergarten Hallway

Friday, September 3rd from 8-9 am at Milton Elementary School.


Join us for breakfast and a chance to meet our amazing Kindergarten faculty and staff! Get to know the dedicated team who will be guiding your children through this exciting new chapter. It's a great opportunity to ask questions, connect with other parents, and start the school year on a positive note.


Prek EventGrades 1-4 Meet & Greet

Bombardier Park

Wednesday, August 28th from 5-6 pm.


Join us at Bombardier Park for a special meet and greet with our incredible faculty and staff! It's a great opportunity to connect, ask questions, and enjoy the park with fellow parents as we kick off the school year together.

Bus Information

The bus schedule is available on the MTSD website. Click the button below to view it and find the information you need for the current route.