Jennifer Cummings

Subjects Taught/Position
Math, Writing, Science, Social Studies
I graduated from Concordia University in Montreal in 1994 and received my Master’s degree from Johnson State College in 2002. I started teaching in Milton in 1998. This will be my 22nd year here and my 16th year with my fabulous teaching partner, Erica Goodrich.
One of my favorite things to do is to spend time with my family and my friends. My family and I also love spending time on our boat in the summer and heading to a ski hill in the winter. We are 'Raised Jay'
A little about me.
I grew up in Hudson, Quebec and now reside in Swanton with my husband and daughter. Jay, Danielle and I enjoy spending time on Lake Champlain on our boat. Danielle will be attending Saint Michael’s College in the fall.